Tuesday, April 5, 2011


History teaches about the future when thinking about how we got to this point.  Investigative thinking has lead us to question our world around us and previous actions can have a reaction.  The birth of mankind has been recorded on this planet and over time there has always been change, it is time for us as inhabitants of this planet to adapt for a new world is coming.  There are no new frontiers left to conquer the race to gather the earths resources is slowing.  Now all that is left to do is change the way we life and think, the earth is like our body it has its own methods for maintaining a level of homeostasis.  What we do to the planet has an effect the evidence is lining up.  This change from producing goods to recycling that same material will help rebuild the world.  Jobs that where once for producing plastic will be for making that same plastic into a raw material.  Resources are key to every aspect of our worlds, resources are what allow human life.  We can no longer afford to spend the strongest efforts of mankind fighting over the last bit of resource left in the earth.  "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."  Albert Einstein.  Its time to look at a bigger picture this world was here before humans so we only found this planet then explored it, we did not create it but we can destroy it.

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